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Prof. Zidong Wei from Chongqing University visited our group and gave a presentation.
Prof. Gang Wu from the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, visited our group and gave a presentation.
Prof. Shaojun Guo from Peking University visited our group and gave a presentation.
Prof. Yuanhua Shao from Peking University visited our group and gave a presentation.
Prof. Shouheng Sun from Brown University visited our group and gave a presentation.
Prof. Hsing-Lin Wang from SUST visited our group and gave a presentation.
Prof. Ping Xu from Harbin Institute of Technology visited our group and gave a presentation.
Prof. Jiujun Zhang from Shanghai University was invited to visit our group and give an academic report.
Prof. Bingzhao Huang from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) visited our group and gave a presentation.